2018 coming soon
2018 coming soon
2018 coming soon
highlight the Dead Sea Saline Environment and utilize the architecture to sensitize visitors to the interpretation of dead sea nature.
redesign of a monument on the southern entrance of Al-Mafraq city.
The Clock design competition was proposed to serve as a memorial in the central square of The University of Science and Technology's Library.
urban planning and studying the current situation of Al-Mafraq city and redesign of Al-Hisbah district focused on local and historical architecture near the city of Mafraq such as Umm-Jimal ruins.
Integrated design involves a “whole building design” approach. The goal of looking at all systems together is to make sure they work in harmony rather than against each other as what happen in the traditional design process.
Villa Design is a reflection of the culture and identity of that building and can even express the culture and identity of the region.
render ready-made 3D modeling to Create stunning scenes and bring realistic scenes to life.
Landscape design focuses on both the integrated master landscape planning of a property and the specific garden design of landscape elements and plants within it.
convert design data into construction information and to clearly communicate that information to building industry, code officials, product manufacturers, suppliers and fabricators.